This section is divided into two parts ....
How to use our Site.
The thesis behind the event triggers.
How To Use Our Site
Data on our website refreshes at 10 minutes interval during NYSE market hours from 9am to 4pm EST.
Main Data Table
The centerpiece of our website is the table that contains the tickers that were scanned by our proprietary scanner.

The columns are as follows:
Time - The time of day that an alert was triggerred by a particular ticker.
Ticker - Ticker or symbol of the stock (stonks).
Dir - Direction where a particular ticker is currently trending.
10m RVol - Relative Volume of the ticker in 10 minutes timeframe.
Day RVol - Relative Volume of the ticker so far today.
Last - Price at which the ticker has traded at the time of event trigger.
Event Trigger - Event that triggered our scanner to report on a particular ticker.

Space separated, user defined list. It is used to filter the scanned tickers to show only the tickers in the list.

Filters are used to further limit the results displayed on the main data table
Minimum 10m RVol - Set the minimum 10 minute RVol so that only tickers whose RVol is higher will be shown.
Min Day RVol - Set the minimum Day RVol so that only tickers whose RVol so far today is higher will be shown.
Trending Up Only - Show only tickers which are trending upwards.
Trending Down Only - Show only tickers which are trending downwards.
Thesis behind our scanner and events triggers
At the heart of our scanner is
Relative Volume (RVol)... momentum based traders ride on how much volume is currently being traded in a specific ticker.
The more participants trading that ticker, the faster and stronger the price moves to a particular direction.
Relative Volume
Relative Volume is an indicator that traders use to gauge how strong or weak a stock's current volume is compared to past days average volume over a given period.
It is sort of like how much attention a stock has currently. The higher the relative volume, the more traders are watching and trading it.
As momentum traders, this is what we should be looking for as the main criteria for us to watch a stock.
To put it simply, if the current timeframe being used is 10m and the time is 10:20am, we then take the current volume and compare it to the average volume
of the 10:20am candle the past X trading days. RVol is displayed as a ratio of current candle's volume and its average volume in the past X days.
If a stock has an RVol of 2, it is currently trading at twice the usual volume at the current time period.We want to see an RVol around 1.5, higher is better.
Our scanner watches over a number of stocks if any of them has an RVol is greater than 0.75 for the current candle, it is then reported and added to our main data table.
However, We leave it to the users to adjust their preferred minimum RVol.
Trend Direction
In addition to Relative Volume, our scanner also takes note of a stock's trend direction. For determining the current trend, we use a combination of moving averages, volume weighted average
price and volume profile levels.
More details about how we collect and process the data that triggers the events coming soon...